Not all people are presented with opportunity. Not because they don’t deserve it but, because they couldn’t afford it. We all acknowledge that life isn’t fair and we need others to help those less fortunate at times.
In the world of Youth/Travel/Showcase baseball (YTS) cost has prevented some deserving kids the opportunity of upward mobility. To gain exposure one must play for an organization who is recognized by College Recruiters, MLB Scouts and/or attend an individual player showcase event. Those organizations and events are not free and they are not cheap.
It was once considered a privilege to play the game of baseball, and now it has become a game for the privileged. I was fortunate to have grown up in a time when everything involving youth sports was affordable and opportunity was created by talent; not by how much was in the family bank account. Opportunity came for me because my family was willing to get me to where I needed to be. It was more their time than their money. Nowadays it is not only time but a whole lot of money.
It was tough for me to sit back and watch young players whose lives could change for the positive if they were priced out. More people who this game has been good to need to find that balance between giving and business. The game has always been about equal opportunity for rich and poor. Once in uniform, the game never recognizes who is poor and who is not. The game recognizes a team and the talent of its players.
I’m choosing to be one working on creating opportunity for those deserving of it based on talent. I ask the people who this game has been good to pay it forward. It’s our responsibility.