Baseball organizations across the country, from little league to college levels, are losing opportunities to teach and develop good potential ball players. This is because the avenues necessary to play at the college level and above have become affordable only for middle to upper class families. The system does not provide for kids in rural or urban settings that cannot afford the high costs of travel and showcase baseball. And as such, these kids get left behind – they miss out on training, physical and mental skill development, playing time, visibility and most of all, the possibilities for their future that are only available by staying in the game.
Participation in spring, summer and fall baseball programs is critical to ensuring that these young athletes do not fall behind their more fortunate peers. Without the additional time spent in these leagues, even the chance to play for their school teams is at risk because they may not be able to keep pace or play at the same level as the other players.
With the loss of this continued opportunity, not only do the less fortunate players suffer; the overall game of baseball suffers. The game is losing a high concentration of athletes in the pool of participants at all levels.
UDACF starts at the youngest levels with outreach programs in communities and local recreational organizations to build interest in the sport. We teach the wonderful men and women volunteers all about baseball fundamentals and coaching practices. We take the “show on the road” by traveling to urban and rural towns providing clinics, equipment and guest speaker forums.
Our results-driven focus allows us to provide scholarships, camps, coaches clinics, collegiate visibility, and personal mentorship. We are committed to the preservation of the game of baseball in our communities and our success is demonstrated in the number of players we have helped go on to play in college every year.